July 26, 2024

Codeine Rehab

How Rehab Centers Treat Codeine Addiction

How Rehab Centers Treat Codeine Addiction

Rehab centers treat codeine addiction with special care. They will find a treatment that works best for each individual person.

Codeine rehab centers work with their patients to find the treatment option that best suits their treatment needs.  There are many types of programs that rehab centers use when treating codeine addiction, so it is up to you and your counselor to find the program that best suits your situation.  The most common types of programs include hospitalization and medical detox, residential treatment, outpatient programs, and rapid opiate detox.  Each of these programs has their own list of pros and cons, offering their own recovery experience.  This is why it is so important to find the program that best suits your needs as an individual as well as for your recovery.

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Hospitalization/Medical detox

Hospitalization is another name for medical detox.  This type of treatment is helpful in removing the toxin from the body, but is often times not enough to kick the habit for good.  Medical detox is one of the only ways to safely detox from an opiate like codeine.  These programs can help you detox in a safe environment while also minimizing your discomfort through the process.  It is generally a good idea to use medical detox as the first step in your road to recovery.  This is because medical detox only helps you through the withdrawal stage of addiction, leaving you with no further help in treating the underlying causes of your addictive behavior.

Residential Treatment

Residential or inpatient treatment is the most intensive form of treatment available for codeine addiction.  It is also the type of program with the highest success rating for codeine recovery.  In residential treatment, the patient checks themselves in for a period of usually six months during which time they receive intensive psychological and behavioral therapy to help the patient understand and overcome their addiction.  In addition to mental health, inpatient programs offer life skill and coping classes to help prepare the patient for life after addiction.

Outpatient Programs

Outpatient programs are usually reserved for the more functioning addict, the ones that are unable to leave their life and check into a facility for any length of time.  The patient continues to live on their own, but commits to attend classes, therapy sessions, submits to drug testing and remains in treatment until their counselors decide they are past their addiction.  These programs generally last in length anywhere from six weeks to six months, depending on the intensity of the individual’s addiction.  Though not for everyone, these programs can be highly successful for the more functioning addict.

Rapid Opiate Detox

Raid opiate detox is a new procedure available at many rehab centers across the country.  It is a medical procedure where the patient is sedated, and medical staff use IV medications to pinpoint the opiate receptors, removing the substance from them.  Once awakened, the patient has no memory of the withdrawals they endured while asleep.  This is said to reverse opiate addiction, but it is believed by many that it only removes the physical addiction, and not the underlying psychological reasons for the addiction.  Additional treatment may be necessary for lasting success.